From Ken Eaton at Eaton’s Boat Yard in Castine, Maine:
The unprecedented back-to-back storms of January 10 and January 13 hit the entire coast of Maine causing tremendous damage. Eaton’s Boatyard, family owned and operated since 1931, sustained unparalleled destruction as did much of Castine’s waterfront.
The wharf and associated wharf side service systems (gas, fuel, water and electric) will require replacement. Although the main building (circa 1851) held fast, many floorboards lifted, shingles flew and the water level within reached 24 “resulting in a salt watery soaked mess.
Volunteers and resources from many sectors of the local community rallied with us after the first storm to make preparations for the second. Large equipment operators created safe access by removing debris and grading the road, relocating the heavy gear including ramps from the compromised wharf, and quickly shifting anything in danger of or creating more damage off site or to what little higher ground was available, including fifty masts and thirty outboards. Dislodged pilings and damaged bulkhead were removed from the beach during the low tide late Friday afternoon and into the evening. We remain ever grateful for the tremendous generosity of time, equipment, and good will without which overall damage would surely have been worse.
Support of many kinds from near and far continue to encourage us to move forward. We are also thankful to our federal, state and local leaders for all efforts to support and help waterfront facilities in Castine and along our Maine coast navigate our collective way to restoration.
We are hoping to be operational and provide services, as we have for generations, this boating season. We look forward to seeing our many boating customers and friends from the greater New England boating community.