I'm looking to get more hours of experience on larger sail boats to go towards getting a charter license. I'm up for pleasure sailing or racing!
Name: Benjamin SilverleafEmail: ben.silverleaf@gmail.com
Telephone: 203-391-4236
Boat name/manufacturer/length:
Boating style: Day Sailing, Cruising, Racing: buoys, Racing: Long Distance, Coastal, Offshore, Deliveries
Region: Maine: Downeast, Maine: Midcoast, Maine: Portland, New Hampshire, Mass: North Shore, Mass: Boston, Mass: Southshore, Mass: Cape and Islands, R.I.: East Bay, R.I.: West Bay, Conn.: Eastern Long Island Sound, Conn.: Western Long Island Sound
Experience level: somewhat-experienced
Availability: weekends, weekdays Date posted: May 4, 2023