A meditation on minnows
How do they all know to turn at the same time?
How do they all know to turn at the same time?
I’ve never really understood how the commercial guys can find 600 traps out on the open ocean. We had enough trouble finding 10.
Forget the oil in your 2-stroke outboard and you may be rowing home.
A traditional lobster bake – at least as I understood them growing up – uses driftwood, seawood and hot stones, items typically found on or near any beach in Maine, and that iconic crustacean our state is known for, lobsters.
When your plans don’t go according to… the plan
You can get quite a bit of information just sitting on the bench at Marston’s Marina.
Tools, phones, wallets and various gear all go splash at some point. If you want them back, you’re gonna need a diver.
July 2022 By Randy Randall So, what is girding? Funny you should ask. Maybe some kind of medieval torture or that feeling you get in your stomach when the long sea swells go on forever? Well, it’s none of those. Girding (sometimes called tripping) describes a marine accident that couldRead More
June 2022 By Randy Randall I know it may seem obvious, but boats are not cars. That said, every summer here at the marina, we have our share of bunged-up docks, bent props and smashed electrical towers, all because most new boat owners seem to think running a boat isRead More
May 2022 By Randy Randall “Whoa!” We all yelled, but it was too late. The boat rolled off the trailer, tipped up in the air, and fell with a smash onto the pavement. Now we all stood around looking at the boat high and dry right in the middle ofRead More