Where to find us

Updated 12/6/2023


Arundel:The Landing School, Southern Maine Marine Services.
Bailey Island: Bailey Island Motel, Cook’s Lobster House
Bangor: Harbormaster, Bangor Canvas, Hammond Lumber.
Bar Harbor: Bar Harbor Savings & Loan, Bar Harbor Yacht Club, College of the Atlantic, Hammond Lumber, Lake and Sea Boatworks, Seal Harbor YC.
Bath: Kennebec Tavern & Marina, Maine Maritime Museum.
Belfast: Belfast Boatyard, Belfast Chamber of Commerce Visitors’ Center, Coastwise Realty, Front Street Shipyard, Hammond Lumber, Harbormaster’s office.
Biddeford: Biddeford Pool Y.C., McArthur Public Library, Rumery’s Boatyard.
Blue Hill:, Bar Harbor Bank, Blue Hill Books, Blue Hill Peninsula Chamber of Commerce, Compass Point Realty, Hammond Lumber, Kollegewidgwok Y.C.
Boothbay: Boothbay Mechanics, Boothbay Resort, Cottage Connection.
Boothbay Harbor: Boothbay Harbor Inn, Boothbay Harbor Shipyard, Hodgdon Yacht Services, Brown’s Motel, Carousel Marina, Grover’s Hardware, Hammonds, Municipal Office, Oceanside Golf Resort, Sherman’s Bookstore, Tugboat Inn.
Bremen: Broad Cove Marine.
Bristol: Hanley’s Market.
Brooklin: Atlantic Boat Co., Brooklin Boat Yard, Brooklin General Store, Brooklin Inn, Center Harbor Sails, Eric Dow Boatbuilder, WoodenBoat School.
Brooksville: Bucks Harbor Market, Bucks Harbor Y.C., Seal Cove Boatyard.
Brunswick: Bamforth Automotive, Coastal Marine, New Meadows Marina, North Atlantic Inflatables, Paul’s Marina.
Bucksport: Bookstacks, Hammond Lumber.
Calais: Calais Book Shop, Hammond Lumber.
Camden: Camden Y.C., East Coast Yacht Sales, French & Brawn, Hammond Lumber, Harbormaster, High Tide Motel, Lyman-Morse, Owl & Turtle, PJ Willeys.
Castine: Castine Y.C., Maine Maritime Academy, Saltmeadow Properties, The Compass Rose Bookstore and Café,Windmill Hill Provisions.
Chebeague Island: Chebeague Island Boat Yard.
Cherryfield: Hammond Lumber.
Cumberland: Hallett Canvas and Sails
Cundy’s Harbor: Holbrooks General Store, Watson’s General Store.
Damariscotta: Maine Coast Book Shop, Poole Bros. Hardware, Schooner Landing Restaurant.
East Boothbay: East Boothbay General Store, Lobsterman’s Wharf Restaurant, Ocean Point Marina, Luke’s Boatyard.
Eastport: Eastport Chowder House, Moose Island Marine, The Motel East.
Eliot: Great Cove Boat Club, Independent Boat Haulers, Thompson Marine.
Ellsworth: Branch Pond Marine, Ellsworth Chamber of Commerce, Ellsworth City Hall, Hammond Lumber, Riverside Café.
Falmouth: Falmouth Ace Hardware, Handy Boat, Portland Yacht Club, Town Landing Market, You Regatta.
Freeport: Gritty McDuff’s, True Value Hardware.
Gardiner: Kennebec Yacht Services
Georgetown: Derecktor Robinhood Marine.
Gouldsboro: Anderson Marine & Hardware.
Hampden: Hamlin’s Marina, McLaughlin Seafood.
Hancock Pt.: Crocker House Country Inn.
Harpswell: Dolphin Restaurant, Finestkind Boatyard, Great Island Boat Yard, Uncle Pete’s Community Market.
Holden: McKay’s RV, Port Harbor Marine.
Islesboro: Dark Harbor Boat Yard, Tarratine Club of Dark Harbor.
Jonesport: Hamilton Marine, Jonesport Shipyard.
Kennebunk: Landing Store, Seaside Motor Inn.
Kennebunkport: Arundel Yacht Club, Chick’s Marina, Kennebunkport Marina.
Kittery: Badger’s Island Marina, Hamilton Marine, Safe Harbor Kittery Point Yacht Yard, Piscataqua Marina, Port Harbor Marine.
Lewiston: Taylor Pond YC.
Machias: Hammond Lumber, Helen’s Restaurant, Viking Lumber.
Milbridge: Viking Lumber.
Monhegan Is: L. Brackett & Son.
Mount Desert: John Williams Boat Company
North Haven: JO Brown & Sons, North Haven Casino.
Northeast Harbor: F.T. Brown Co., Kimball Shop, Mt. Desert CofC,, McGraths, Morris Yachts, Pine Tree Market.
Peak’s Island: Hannigan’s Island Market.
Penobscot: Northern Bay Market.
Port Clyde: Port Clyde General Store.
Portland: Becky’s Restaurant, DiMillo’s Marina, Fore Points Marina, Gilbert’s Chowder House, Hamilton Marine, Maine Yacht Center, Portland Yacht Services, Sawyer & Whitten, Vessel Services Inc., West Marine.
Raymond: Port Harbor Marine, Panther Run Marina.
Rockland: Back Cove Yachts, E.L.Spear, Gemini Marine Canvas, Hamilton Marine, Harbormaster, Journey’s End Marina, Knight Marine Service, Maine Lighthouse Museum, North End Shipyard Schooners, Ocean Pursuits, Rockland Ferry, The Apprenticeshop.
Rockport: Bohndell Sails, Harbormaster, Rockport Boat Club.
Round Pond: King Row Market.
Saco: Lobster Claw Restaurant, Marston’s Marina, Saco Bay Tackle, Saco Yacht Club.
Sargentville: Eggemoggin Country Store, El El Frijoles.
Scarborough: Seal Harbor Y.C.
Seal Harbor: Seal Harbor Yacht Club
Searsport: Hamilton Marine.
South Bristol: Bittersweet Landing Boatyard, Coveside Marine, Gamage Shipyard, Osier’s Wharf.
South Freeport: Brewer’s South Freeport Marine, Casco Bay Yacht Exchange, DiMillo’s South Freeport, Strouts Point Wharf Co.
South Portland: Breakwater Marina, Centerboard Yacht Club, Port Harbor Marine, Reo Marine, Salt Water Grille, South Port Marine.
Southwest Harbor: Ellis Boats, Great Harbor Marina, Hamilton Marine, Hinckley Yacht Charters, MDI Community Sailing Center,John Williams Boatyard, Pettegrow’s, Sawyer’s Market, Southwest Harbor-Tremont CofC, West Marine.
Spruce Head: Spruce Head Marine.
Stonington: Billings Diesel & Marine, Inn on the Harbor, Island Fishing Gear & Auto Parts, Stone Cutter’s Kitchen.
Surry: Wesmac.
Swan’s Island: The Island Market & Supply
Tenants Harbor: East Wind Inn, Halls Market, Pond House Gallery and Framing, Tenants Harbor Boat Yard.
Thomaston: Jeff’s Marine, Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding.
Wells: Webhannet River Boat Yard.
West Boothbay Harbor: Blake’s Boatyard, Boothbay Harbor YC.
West Rockport: Johanson Boatworks, Port Harbor Marine.
West Southport: Hodgdon Yachts, Southport General Store.
Windham: Richardson’s Boat Yard.
Winter Harbor: Winter Harbor 5 & 10.
Winterport: Winterport Marine.
Wiscasset: Market Place Café, Wiscasset Yacht Club.
Woolwich: Shelter Institute.
Yarmouth: Bayview Rigging & Sails, East Coast Yacht Sales, Landing Boat Supply, Royal River Boatyard, Yankee Marina & Boatyard, Yarmouth Boatyard.
York: Agamenticus Yacht Club, Stage Neck Inn, York Harbor Marine Service.


Alton: Wolfboro Corinthian YC.
Dover: Dover Marine.
Dover Point: Little Bay Marina.
Gilford: Fay’s Boat Yard, Winnipesaukee Yacht Club.
Greenland: Anson Sails.
Hampton: Hampton River Marina, Hampton River Boat Club.
Milton: Eastern Boats.
New Castle: Kittery Point Yacht Club, Portsmouth Yacht Club.
Newington: Great Bay Marine,
Portsmouth: Gundalow Company, New England Marine and Industrial, Portsmouth Marina, Star Island, West Marine.
Seabrook: West Marine.
Tuftonboro: Tuftonboro General Store.


Amesbury: Larry’s Marina, Lowell’s Boat Shop.
Barnstable: Coast Guard Heritage Museum at the Trayser, Millway Marina.
Beverly: Al’s Bait & Tackle, Bartlett Boat Service, Beverly Point Marina, Jubilee Yacht Club.
Boston: Boston Sailing Center, Boston Yacht Haven, Columbia Yacht Club, The Marina at Rowes Wharf, Waterboat Marina.
Bourne: Taylor’s Point Marina
Braintree: West Marine.
Buzzards Bay: Dick’s Marine, Onset Bay Marina, Point Independence YC.
Cataumet: Kingman Marine, Parker’s Boat Yard.
Charlestown: Constitution Marina, Shipyard Quarters Marina.
Chatham: Chatham Boat Company, Ryders Cove Marina, Stage Harbor Marine.
Cohasset: Cohasset Y.C.
Cuttyhunk: Cuttyhunk Town Marina.
Danvers: Danversport Yacht Club, Liberty Marina, West Marine.
Dedham: West Marine.
Dighton: Shaw’s Boat Yard.
Dorchester: Savin Hill Yacht Club.
Duxbury: Bayside Marine.
East Boston: Boston Harbor Shipyard & Marina, Orient Heights Yacht Club.
East Dennis: Dennis Yacht Club, North Side Marina.
Edgartown: Harborside Inn.
Essex: Flying Dragon Antiques, Perkins Marine.
Fairhaven: Fairhaven Shipyard, West Marine.
Fall River: Marine Consignment and Supply
Falmouth: East Marine, Falmouth Harbor Town Marina, Falmouth Marine, MacDougall’s Cape Cod Marine Service, West Marine.
Gloucester: Annisquam Yacht Club, Beacon Marine Basin, Brown’s Yacht Yard, Cape Ann’s Marina Resort, Enos Marine, Three Lanterns Ship Supply.
Harwich Port: Allen Harbor Marine Service, Cranberry Liquors, Saquatucket Municipal Marina.
Haverhill: Crescent Yacht Club.
Hingham: 3A Marine Sales, Eastern Yacht Sales, Hingham Shipyard Marinas, Hingham Yacht Club.
Hull: Hull Yacht Club.
Hyannis: Hyannis Marina, West Marine.
Ipswich: Ipswich Bay Yacht Club.
Lynn: Lynn Yacht Club, Volunteer Yacht Club.
Manchester: Manchester Marine, Manchester Yacht Club.
Marblehead: Boston Yacht Club, Corinthian Yacht Club, Eastern Yacht Club, F.L. Woods, Marblehead Yacht Club, The Forepeak, West Marine.
Marion: Barden’s Boat Yard, Beverly Yacht Club, Burr Bros. Boats, Harding Sails, New Wave Yachts.
Marshfield: Green Harbor Bait & Tackle, Green Harbor Marina, Marshfield Y.C.
Marston’s Mills: Peck’s Boats.
Mattapoisett: Mattapoisett Boatyard.
Nahant: Nahant Dory Club.
Nantucket: Glyns Marine, Nantucket Boat Basin, Town Pier Marina.
New Bedford: Bayline Boatyard and Transportation, C.E. Beckman, Cutty Hunk Launch, Hercules Fishing Gear, Niemiec Marine, New Bedford Visitors Center, Pope’s Island Marina, SK Marine Electronics, Skip’s Marine.
Newburyport: Merri-Mar Yacht Basin, Newburyport Harbor Marina, Newburyport Yacht Club, North End Boat Club, Riverside Café, Windward Yacht Yard.
North Falmouth: Safe Harbor Fiddler’s Cove Marina.
North Weymouth: Tern Harbor Marina.
Onset: Point Independence Yacht Club.
Orleans: Arey’s Pond Boatyard, Nauset Marine.
Osterville: Crosby Yacht Yard, Oyster Harbors Marine Service.
Plymouth: Safe Harbor Plymouth Marine, Plymouth Yacht Club, West Marine.
Provincetown: Harbormaster.
Quincy: Captain’s Cove Marina, Gaveston Café, Marina Bay, Squantum Yacht Club.
Revere: Point of Pines Yacht Club, The Wharf.
Rockport: Sandy Bay Yacht Club.
Salem: Safe Harbor Hawthorne Cove Marina, Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard, H&H Propeller Shop, J&W Marine, Palmer’s Cove Yacht Club, Pickering Wharf Marina, Salem Willows YC, Winter Island Yacht Yard.
Salisbury: Bridge Marina, Cross Roads Bait & Tackle, Hudson Outboard, Riverfront Marine Sports.
Sandwich: Sandwich Marina.
Saugus: Fox Hill Yacht Club
Scituate: A to Z Boatworks, Cole Parkway Municipal Marina, J-Way Enterprises, Satuit Boat Club, Scituate Boatworks, Scituate Harbor Marina, Scituate Harbor Y.C.
Seekonk: West Marine.
Somerset: Auclair’s Market, J&J Marine Fabricators.
Somerville: Winter Hill Y.C.
South Dartmouth: Cape Yachts, Davis & Tripp Boatyard, Doyle Sails, New Bedford Y.C.
Vineyard Haven: Eastern Yacht Sales, Owen Park Town Dock, Vineyard Haven Marina.
Wakefield: Boats & Motors.
Wareham: Zecco Marine.
Wellfleet: Bay Sails Marine, Town of Wellfleet Marina, Wellfleet Marine Corp.
West Barnstable: Northside Village Liquor Store.
West Dennis: Bass River Marina.
Westfield: The Package Store
Westport: F.L.Tripp & Sons, Osprey Sea Kayak Adventures, Westport Marine, Westport Y.C.
Weymouth: Monahan’s Marine.
Winthrop: Belle Isle Seafood, Cottage Park Y.C., Pleasant Park Y.C., Ward Marine, Winthrop Harbormaster’s Office, Winthrop Lodge of Elks, Winthrop Y.C., Woodside Ace Hardware.
Woburn: West Marine.
Woods Hole: Woods Hole Marina.
Yarmouth: Arborvitae Woodworking.


Barrington: Barrington Y.C., Safe Harbor Cove Haven Marina, Stanley’s Boat Yard, Striper Marina.
Block Island: Payne’s New Harbor Dock.
Bristol: Andrade’s Catch, Bristol Bagel Works, Bristol Marine, Bristol Yacht Club, Herreshoff Marine Museum, Jamestown Distributors, Quantum Thurston Sails, Superior Marine.
Central Falls: Twin City Marine.
Charlestown: Ocean House Marina.
Cranston: Edgewood Yacht Club, Rhode Island Yacht Club.
East Greenwich: Anderson’s Ski & Dive Center, East Greenwich Library, East Greenwich Yacht Club, Norton’s Shipyard & Marina.
East Providence: East Providence Yacht Club
Jamestown: TPG Conanicut Marine Services, Inc., Clark Boat Yard, Dutch Harbor Boatyard, Jamestown Boat Yard.
Middletown: West Marine
Narragansett: West Marine.
Newport: Casey’s Marina, Goat Island Marina, IYRS, New York Yacht Club, Newport Harbor Hotel & Marina, Newport Maritime Center, Newport Nautical Supply, Newport Visitor Information Center, Newport Yacht Club, Old Port Marine Services, Sail Newport, Seamen’s Church Institute, Team One, Safe Harbor Newport Shipyard, West Wind Marina.
North Kingstown: Allen Harbor Marina, RI Mooring Services.
Portsmouth: Blue Nose Yacht Sales, Safe Harbor Sakonnet Marina, East Passage Yachting Center, Hinckley Yacht Services, Ship’s Store and Rigging.
Riverside: Bullock’s Cove Marina.
Tiverton: Don’s Marine, Life Raft & Survival Equipment, Ocean Options, Standish Boat Yard.
Wakefield: Full Keel Marine, Point Judith Marina, Point Judith Yacht Club, Ram Point Marina, Silver Spring Marine, Snug Harbor Marine, Stone Cove Marina, URI Sailing Club.
Warren: Blount Seafood Market and Kitchen, Country Club Laundry, East Bay Dive Center, Lucky Bait and Tackle, Mike’s Barber Shop, Warren River Boatworks.
Warwick: Apponaug Harbor Marina, Bay Marina, Safe Harbor Cowesett, Fairwinds, Safe Harbor Greenwich Bay Marina, Pettis Boat Yard, West Marine.
Watch Hill: Watch Hill Boat Yard.
Westerly: Avondale Baotyard, Frank Hall Boat Yard, Gray’s Boatyard.
Wickford: Safe Harbor Wickford Cove Marina, Kayak Center, Marine Consignment of Wickford, Pleasant Street Wharf, Wickford Boat Rentals, Wickford Marina, Wickford Shipyard, Wickford Yacht Club.


Branford: Branford Yacht Club, Safe Harbor Bruce & Johnson’s Marina, Dutch Wharf Boat Yard, Indian Neck Yacht Club, West Marine.
Chester: Chester Point Marina, Chester Boat Basin, Hays Haven Marina, Middlesex Yacht Club.
Clinton: Cedar Island Marina, Connecticut Marine One, Harborside Marina, Port Clinton Marina, Riverside Basin Marina.
Cos Cob: Palmer Point Marina.
Darien: Noroton Yacht Club.
Deep River: Safe Harbor Deep River Marina.
East Norwalk: Rex Marine.
Essex: Safe Harbor Dauntless Shipyard, Conn. River Marine Museum, Essex Corinthian Yacht Club, Essex Island Marina, Essex Yacht Club.
Gales Ferry: Gales Ferry Marina.
Greenwich: Beacon Point Marine.
Groton: Pine Island Marina, Shennecossett Yacht Club.
Guilford: Brown’s Boat Yard, Guilford Boat Yard, Harbormaster.
Haddam: Midway Marine.
Milford: Milford Boat Works, Milford Landing, Milford Yacht Club, Port Milford.
Mystic: Safe Harbor Mystic Yacht Yard, Fort Rachel Marina, Gwenmor Marina, Marine Consignment, Mason Island Yacht Club, Mystic Point Marina, Mystic River Yacht Club, Mystic Seaport Museum Store, Mystic Shipyard, West Marine.
New London: Anchors Aweigh Sailing School, Crocker’s Boatyard, Ferry Slip Dockominium Assoc, Thames Shipyard and Ferry, Thames Yacht Club, Thamesport Marina.
Niantic: Boats Inc., Harbor Hill Marina, Port Niantic Marina, Three Belles Marina.
Noank: Hood Sails, Noank Village Boatyard, Palmers Cove Marina, Ram Island Yacht Club, Spicer’s.
Norwalk: Norwest Marine, Rex Marine, Total Marine, West Marine.
Norwich: The Marina at American Wharf.
Old Lyme: Old Lyme Marina.
Old Saybrook: Safe Harbor Ferry Point Marina, Harbor One Marina, Island Cove Marina, Oak Leaf Marina, Ocean Performance, Ragged Rock Marina, West Marine.
Portland: J & S Marine Services, Yankee Boat Yard & Marina.
Riverside: Riverside Yacht Club.
Rowayton: All Seasons Marina, Wilson Cove Marina.
South Norwalk: Norwalk Yacht Club, Rex Marine Center.
Stamford: Czescik Marina, Halloween Yacht Club, Landfall Navigation, Ponas Yacht Club, Stamford Landing Marina, Stamford Yacht Club, West Marine.
Stonington: Dodson Boat Yard, j Russell Jinishian Gallery, Wadawanuck Yacht Club, Stonington Harbor Yacht Club.
Stratford: Safe Harbor Stratford Marina, West Marine.
Waterford: Defender Industries.
Westbrook: Atlantic Outboard, Bill’s Seafood, SafeHarbor Pilots Point Marina, Duck Island Yacht Club, Pier 76 Marina, Sound Boatworks, Topside Canvas.
Westport: Cedar Point Yacht Club.


Babylon: Rainbow Marine.
City Island: Harlem Yacht Club.
Halesite: Ketewomoke Yacht Club.
Huntington: Compass Rose Marine Supply, Gold Coast Deli, West Shore Marina.
New Rochelle: Huguenot Yacht Club.
New York: New York Nautical.
Northport: Cow Harbor Bait & Tackle, Copenhagen Bakery.
Ossining: Shattemuc Yacht Club.
Rockaway: Hewlett Point Yacht Club.
Sag Harbor: Sag Harbor Yacht Club.
Smithtown: Weinisch’s Delecatessen
West Islip: West Marine.


Palmetto: S&J Yachts.