Points East cover photography

Here at Points East, we’re always looking for good photography to put on our covers. Because the cover is the first impression that most readers have of the magazine, we want it to be a good impression. We want it to represent what we’re all about, which is you, the reader, who enjoys boats, boating or, perhaps, just the New England coast, from Eastport, Maine to Long Island Sound.

And because we’re a magazine that is produced, in part, by our readers, for our readers, we encourage you to contribute.  If you have a photo that you think might work for a cover, please send a low resolution example to our art director, John Gold.

Specifics about what we’re looking for are below.

About Points East
We are a free publication in our 24th year of business. We circulate approximately 25,000 copies throughout coastal New England, from Eastport, Maine, to Long Island Sound. We can be found wherever boaters and mariners go: marinas, boat yards, restaurants, etc. Our primary focus is the relationship between people and the water, their stories and adventures about boating, cruising, racing and fishing.


  • We will pay $100 per cover image used;
  • Images are initially for use on a single cover. However we reserve the right to reuse the image online and in future issues of the magazine;
  • We will not resell images, nor allow their reuse by other parties without the photographer’s permission;
  • We will credit the photographer


  • Images must be in color and of sufficient resolution to print at 8” x 11” at 200 dpi;
  • Images should be in vertical orientation, or croppable to a vertical orientation;
  • The top 25% of the image should be uncluttered (i.e. plain, sky, water or other simple background);
  • Because we print on newsprint, images should be well lit and bright. Dark or muted colors do not print well (i.e. sunsets).


  • In general, we are looking for well-composed, colorful images that show people enjoying the water in the coastal New England region (Eastport, Maine to Long Island Sound);
  • We prefer images which prominently display people on the water;
  • That said, we also use scenic maritime images from time to time.

Specific Content Items
We are also looking for a few specific topics/content items:

  • Boat repair/construction;
  • End of season/beginning of season work;
  • Holiday displays, seasonal decorating (for the December issue);
  • Winter boat scenes.